Middlegate Burnaby  Dentist

Restorative Dentistry in Burnaby


Restorative Dentistry Near You

For patients who struggle with broken teeth, uneven spacing, missing adult teeth, or even teeth that have grown too small, sometimes smiling in front of people is the last thing they want to do. After all, teeth are often the first thing people notice about one another. At Middlegate Burnaby Dentist, our restorative dentist in Burnaby offer a variety of restorative dental treatments to help you rediscover your stunning smile. 

Dental Bonding Icon
Dental Bonding
Dental Implants Icon
Dental Implants
Dental Bridges Icon
Dental Bridges
Dental Fillings Icon
Dental Fillings
Inlays Onlays Icon
Inlays & Onlays
Dentures Icon

Dental Bonding

Oral health conditions like impacted wisdom teeth, tooth decay, infections, or diseases can damage your teeth badly enough that daily tasks like talking, chewing, smiling, and swallowing can be difficult. Dental bonding is a non-invasive solution that involves bonding colour-matched composite filling directly to your damaged tooth, creating a realistic shape that mimics the look of a healthy one. Dental bonds can last years, making them an option for long-term relief.

Dental Implants in Burnaby

Fill the most bothersome gaps in your smile with a meticulously crafted dental implant, a permanent solution to your restorative dentistry needs! Dental implants are very popular among patients who have had to have a full tooth extraction. The result is an aesthetically appealing, natural-looking tooth that is screwed into the jaw bone and shaped to suit your smile.

Dental Bridges in Burnaby

If you have undergone a full tooth extraction, or if you’ve lost an adult tooth to injury, tooth decay, or dental disease, it is important to fill the gap left by the empty socket sooner than later to avoid giving your remaining teeth time to shift and crowd. Leaving an empty socket unfilled could lead to a crooked smile, so we often recommend getting a dental bridge to fill the space.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is similar to a dental implant in that its main purpose is to create a realistic, durable restoration that mimics the look of your tooth structure. The difference is that rather than surgically implanting the appliance, your dentist will shave down the surrounding teeth and cement the tailor-made dental bridge in place to fill the empty socket.

What are the Benefits of a Dental Bridge?

At Middlegate Burnaby Dentist, our dentists are trained to thoughtfully craft dental bridges to suit each patient’s unique tooth structure. Once a dental bridge adheres to the surrounding teeth, your empty tooth socket will be protected from harmful bacteria, and you will be able to talk, chew, swallow and smile comfortably. Dental bridges offer a cost-effective and durable solution that is sometimes covered partially or in full, depending on your insurance policy.

Composite Dental Fillings in Burnaby

When you visit Middlegate Burnaby Dentist for your annual oral health exam, your dentist might discover a cavity caused by unwanted bacteria or stubborn food particles. It’s important to fill cavities as soon as possible, even if they appear to be small, in order to stop the infection from reaching the tooth pulp, which could otherwise lead to irreversible tooth decay or painful root infection.

How Composite Dental Fillings Work

Leaving cavities untreated can quickly lead to a more severe root infection, which is why we often recommend preventative dental fillings to prevent harmful bacteria from reaching the inner tooth pulp. To avoid the need for a root canal over time, your dentist will fill the cavity with a white resin compound to keep bacteria from infiltrating the root while preserving the natural look of your tooth.

Keep Your Smile Happy & Healthy with Composite Dental Fillings

Composite dental fillings are preventative, non-invasive, and very cost-effective. Filling cavities before they cause too much damage will not only keep your smile healthy, but it will also save you money in the long term as a more severe infection could require a root canal or a full tooth extraction. Book your next oral exam at Middlegate Burnaby Dentist to find out if a composite dental filling could save your smile.

Inlays and Onlays in Burnaby

Over time, after years of talking, chewing, jaw-clenching, and teeth-grinding, the tops of your teeth will eventually start to lose their integrity. While there are many factors that can affect the severity of the damage, like diet, lifestyle, and oral hygiene, it is important to keep your teeth protected from further damage with dental inlays and onlays at Middlegate Burnaby Dentist.

 Inlays vs. Onlays

Similar to dental crowns, inlays and onlays are specially designed to protect the top of the tooth rather than cover the entire tooth structure. As the name suggests, we use inlays to cover the raised ridges between the inner cusps of your tooth. Onlays, by contrast, are placed flat on top of the tooth. These restorative dental treatments protect the chewing surface of your teeth from damage caused by wear and tear.

Restorative Inlays and Onlays at Middlegate Burnaby Dentist

If you are concerned about a particular issue, like frequently clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth, or if you simply want to protect your teeth from years-long damage caused by talking, chewing, and smiling, inlays and onlays might be the perfect restorative dental treatment for your needs. Get in touch with our friendly receptionists to book a consultation and find out if inlays and onlays are suitable for you.

Dentures in Burnaby

Losing teeth as an adult can be very humbling from a self-confidence perspective, but it can also cause a lot of harm to your mouth, surrounding teeth, and gums if left unaddressed. If bacteria have room to infiltrate an empty tooth socket, the risk of severe infection increases drastically. At Middlegate Burnaby Dentist, we often recommend partial or full dentures to protect your gums and restore your smile.

How do Dentures Work?

Dentures are designed to look and function like natural teeth. Depending on your restorative dental needs and budget, dentures can be permanently implanted into the gum line or purposefully designed as a removable dental appliance. Dentures are meant to mimic your natural smile without looking too artificial by using flexible, realistic polymer for the gums and white composite resin for the teeth.

Full Dentures vs. Partial Dentures

Beyond restoring your stunning smile, dentures also play an important role in preserving your ability to perform daily oral functions like eating, drinking, and speaking. Our talented dentists will carefully assess your mouth, teeth, and gums surrounding the affected tooth sockets to determine whether a partial denture or full denture would be most beneficial. Visit us today to start your journey with dentures in Burnaby.

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